Dispute resolution

We offer comprehensive advice and representation to our clients from various sectors and industries and from early stages in all types of arbitration (whether national or international), civil, commercial, criminal, contentious-administrative, public law, antitrust, unfair competition, tax, environmental and consumer protection proceedings. We also provide assistance regarding reorganization, liquidation, and restructuring processes and in constitutional claims, actions or appeals, whether they are processed before arbitration, special or ordinary courts.


Preparation of legal opinions for early dispute resolution strategies.
Advisory services in pre-trial negotiations and execution of agreements aimed at preventively resolving a dispute.
Comprehensive assistance in mediation processes.
Representation of clients in jurisdictional proceedings of any nature before ordinary, arbitration, constitutional, tax, environmental or administrative courts.
Advisory services in the execution and implementation of arbitration awards or final judgements issued by the various courts of the country.
Recovery of assets and implementation of the relevant actions.
Acting as arbitrators in third party disputes.
Preparation of legal reports to be presented in third party proceedings.
Client representation in proceedings before public institutions, such as the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Treasury of the Republic, the Internal Revenue Service, the Financial Market Commission, the Consumers National Service, the Competition Agency, superintendencies, regional government agencies, etc.

Boletín de jurisprudencia judicial Julio 2024

Sentencia imparcialidad – juez árbitro Con fecha 10 de julio de 2024, la ICA de Santiago acogió un recurso de queja interpuesto por la demandada del juicio arbitral CAM Rol N°4738-2021, en contra del Sr. Árbitro don Alberto González Errázuriz, por las faltas o abusos graves en las que habría incurrido al dictar el laudo […]

Alert regarding the Auto Acordado on the hearing of the appeal for writs of amparo.

Con fecha 17 de mayo de 2024 se publicó en el Diario Oficial el Acta N°105-2024, en la que consta el nuevo Auto Acordado sobre la forma de conocimiento del recurso de apelación de los recursos de amparo ante la Excma. Corte Suprema. La regulación del recurso de amparo, que se encuentra contenida en el […]

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