Ranking Chambers and Partners LatinAmerica2025.

We are very pleased to have received a new recognition for our partners in the Chambers and Partners LatinAmerica2025 ranking. We congratulate Javier Naranjo Solano from the Environment area; Christian Schiessler, from Capital Markets; Rafael Valdivieso from Tax; and Julio Trucco, from Real Estate. This recognition is the result of the great work of all the teams from the different areas of JDF and demonstrates the commitment and professionalism of each one to our clients.
Felicitamos a Javier Naranjo Solano del área Medio Ambiente; Christian Schiessler, de Mercado de Capitales; Rafael Valdivieso de Tributario; y Julio Trucco, de Inmobiliario.
Este reconocimiento es el resultado de un gran trabajo de todos los equipos de las distintas áreas de JDF y demuestra el compromiso y profesionalismo de cada uno con nuestros clientes.
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