Amendment to Exempt Resolution No. 3121 approving the administrative sanctioning procedure for violations of Article 118 ter of the Fisheries Law.

Con fecha 20 de febrero de 2024, se publica en el Diario Oficial un extracto de la Resolución Exenta N°3121/2021 que modifica la Resolución Exenta N°3191/2021 que aprueba procedimiento administrativo sancionatorio para las infracciones contenidas en el artículo 118 ter de la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura (en adelante, “Ley”).

Specifically, the resolution establishing the administrative sanctioning procedure for violations of Article 118 ter of the Law is amended, a provision that sets out a series of infractions and their respective sanctions that holders of aquaculture concessions and authorizations may incur. The main change is the incorporation of the violation and sanction of Article 118 quinquies of the Law into the administrative sanctioning procedure, concerning the suspension of operations for a period of two years at a farming center for being classified as having low biosecurity on two consecutive occasions, at the end of the respective sanitary rests.

En caso de que requiera información adicional sobre esta materia, pueden contactar a: Javier Naranjo,; Martín Esser,; María Paz Valenzuela,

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